Energise and rebalance with this easy home-made milk and savour the caramel and malty notes from Organic Burst Maca.
Have this as your daily rebalancing adaptogen drink - as Organic Burst Maca helps you feel amazing naturally, gives you energy, stamina and hormonal balance. Coconut milk is our go-to milk for its brilliant skin-loving fats. And…this literally takes 5-10 min to make!
- 1 cup of desiccated (shredded) coconut
- 3 cups of hot water (but not boiling)
- Blender
- Nut milk bag or a muslin cloth
- Bowl
- 1-2 teaspoon Organic Burst Maca
- a pinch of sea salt
- Optional: vanilla extract
- Optional but makes your life easier: Aerolatte whisk (get yours here)
- Blend the coconut with the water.
- Sieve the milk through the cloth/nut milk bag so there are no pieces left.
- Add salt, maca, vanilla and use your Aerolatte to whisk together.
Done! You can store in the fridge for several days. After a few hours in the fridge coconut cream will form on top of the milk - you can warm it again to have full-fat milk or remove it and use it for other recipes.
The dry coconut remains can be left to dry for 24 hours to become coconut flour.